Epiphany 2022, Gospel of Matthew, Day 18 of 58

Gospel of Matthew, January 20, Day 18 of 58


Matthew 10:1-20


14If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town.


This verse is a part of Jesus’ “Missionary Discourse” in Chapter 10, where is he training his disciples in the comfort of their backyard before they go out to all nations after the Great Commission (Matthew 28) and the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Jesus is talking about hospitality here. If people don’t show you hospitality and kindness, don’t waste too much time with them, and don’t wish them ill will. Just walk away until you find someone who is receptive to your kindness, and your message of hope.


The Lord wants to you use us to be the vessels for carrying His Good News to the world of salvation from sin and death. We will offer the message to some, and they will reject it. I will not wish them ill will, but dust my feet off. I will move on to continue sharing until I find receptivity for a message of hope that God has laid on my heart.


Lord Jesus, thank you for your teaching on going out to the neighborhoods we know to share your good news of salvation. I know many do not feel comfortable going door to door. But we all face times where others will reject us and our faith. Help us not to respond in anger or with despondency. Help us move on in faith with your Spirit to guide to places of peace where we can break bread with people who offer us hospitality and receptivity to the Gospel. In Your Holy Name I pray. Amen.