Author: David Averill

  • TUESDAY TIDINGS for November 26, 2024

    THANKSGIVING EDITION – STUFFED FULL OF NEWS! TUESDAY TIDINGS Dear Church Family, Happy Thanksgiving! I wanted to share an update from Church Council. As we continue our journey toward fulfilling the goals of Vision 2030, we are excited to share some important staff realignments that will help us better live into our mission and core…

  • TUESDAY TIDINGS for November 19, 2024

    WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR CHURCH TUESDAY TIDINGS Dear First United Methodist Church, Our Director of Worship and Music search team starts their work today. I am grateful for Mary Ann Hallowell, Roy Hawthorne, Louise Rottinghaus, Josh Collins, and others who are stepping up to lead our worship music at our various services…

  • TUESDAY TIDINGS for November 12, 2024

    ALL THE CHURCH NEWS YOU NEED TO KNOW TUESDAY TIDINGS Dear First United Methodist Church, This Sunday is our Commitment Sunday, I hope you will join 11 leaders who have already made their commitments to prayers, presence, gifts, witness, and service for 2025. Chaplain Lance Sellon gave some good reminders in his message last Sunday…

  • TUESDAY TIDINGS for November 5, 2024

    NOVEMBER NEWS AND UPDATES! TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear First United Methodist Church,   It is election day in our country. I wanted to offer some helpful advice from John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement in Christianity. No matter who you vote for, remember that Jesus wants us to love our neighbors.… Read…

  • TUESDAY TIDINGS for October 29, 2024

    NOVEMBER CALENDARS IN THIS EDITION! TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear First United Methodist Church,   Reformation Day is officially this Thursday on All Hallows’ Eve (otherwise known as Halloween). Martin Luther nailed 95 points of disagreement (known as the “95 theses”) with practices of the Roman Catholic Church on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany…