October 25, 2020 Letter from Gary Upleger

Dear Church Family,

“I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.”

Ephesians 1:16

Over the last few months, I have come to know those words of the Apostle Paul in a much deeper fashion and they reflect my own feelings toward you. I have fully felt the power of your love, support, and prayers.

In less than three months we have gone from diagnosis of IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis) through extensive testing to being approved for being officially placed on the lung transplant list – including insurance approval! Most of the medical professionals I have seen have been shocked that things have moved
so quickly and have often said, “Well, someone must be looking out for you.”

That, in turn, has given me the opportunity to share the truth that our awesome God is in the business of moving stones that the world thinks represent the end. So we celebrate the goodness of God and the power of God’s love. I give thanks to God for you and remember you in my prayers, and we thank you for your
continued prayers.

May God richly bless each of you as well as the mission and ministry of Mount Dora First United Methodist Church.

Peace be with you,
