TUESDAY TIDINGS for January 28, 2025


YOUR CHURCH’S NEWSLETTER * Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Dear Friends in the Faith,

As I shared with you on Sunday in my sermon, I have been spending the time normally reserved for newspaper reading and social media consumption, praying for the “helpers in our world”. It has been a refreshing way to reset my thoughts as the world as it is and consider the world as God desires it to be and is redeeming it to be.

I am hosting a free luncheon on February 16 at 12:15 pm in Friendship Hall to share more about the November 1 to 11, 2025 pilgrimage I am co-leading with Rev. Jonathan Tarman of Sanlando UMC in Longwood, Florida to Italy.

I also wanted to share that the SPRC has made progress in hiring a new Director of Children and Family Ministry (which is a newly created position). Janet Westlake, our Minister of Discipleship, will take on an expanded role in the church as the Director of Mission and Community Outreach as of February 1, 2025.

This realignment of church staffing is tied to fulfilling several objectives in the Vision 2030 strategic plan, including “overinvesting in next generation ministries” (GROW) and expanding “local and global missions and service opportunities” (SERVE). I anticipate SPRC will make an announcement about the hire of a Director of Children and Family Ministry next week.

As I shared this past Sunday, a team from our church is visiting our sister church in Calixto, Cuba this spring. If you are interested in serving with a local or global mission, I encourage you to reach out to Janet Westlake by emailing her at janet@mtdorafumc.org” style=”mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #007C89;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;”>janet@mtdorafumc.org.

This Sunday we will share in the Lord’s Supper together. Here is a picture from a closing Holy Communion I shared with Soldiers as our deployment was coming to a close in October 2024.

Pastor David

New Leaders for United Women of Faith!

Today, the United Women of Faith celebrated the installation of their new officers. The event was filled with excitement and unity as members gathered to welcome the new leadership team.

Congratulations to the newly installed officers! We look forward to the incredible work you will accomplish together. Here’s to a year of faith, service, and unity!

The Widowed support group will meet a week later on Thursday, January 30 at 9:30 am in the chapel. 

During the Art Festival on February 1 and 2, we need volunteers to welcome people into our sanctuary and to sit outside inviting them to come in. 
To volunteer, please contact Janet Westlake, Minister of Discipleship at
.  it is a great way to Love God while Loving Others. 

🎉 Join the Fun at Wonderful Wednesdays! 🎉

Join us from 6:00 to 8:00 pm for an evening of Bible studyworship artsgames, and crafts for kids in kindergarten through fifth grade.

It’s a fun-filled adventure every week! 

Barefoot Youth meet in the Barefoot Youth Room Basement on Wednesdays at 6 PM!
Middle and high school students are welcome.
Come and enjoy games, snacks, worship music, Bible study, and group discussions. See you there!

All God’s Creatures Got a Place in the Choir!

Join the Celebration Choir of First UMC! Rehearsals are every Wednesday at 7 PM, and we welcome all ages and experience levels. Enhance our Sunday 11 AM worship services with your voice and be part of special events like Lent and Easter. Childcare is available. Contact Bob McLeary, Director of Music & Worship, for more info. Can’t wait to sing with you!

Do you play an instrument, love drama, or prefer helping behind the scenes? Connect with Bob to find your perfect spot!

Lent is the forty days between Ash Wednesday and Easter.  It is a time to prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We are looking for writers of all ages and ability to write a 200-250 word devotional on a scripture of your choosing.  The submission deadline is January 31.  Writing guidelines are available in the church office or by emailing janet@mtdorafumc.org.     

The rite of anointing on Sunday, February 2nd is at 11am worship. 
The rite of anointing on Sunday, March 2nd is at 9:30 am . 

Children on Sunday mornings

  • Childcare – Available from 9:15 am to 12:15 pm
  • Kids’ Church – Children begin in worship at 9:30 and then depart for Kids’ Church
  • Bible Fun – Available during the 11:00 traditional service

Join a Sunday Bible study!

  • Bible Explorers – Sundays at 9:30 am in the chapel
  • Carpenter’s class – Sundays at 9:30 am in the CEC classroom
  • Upper Room – Sundays at 9:30 am in the choir room
  • 11:00 Bible study – Sundays at 11:00 am in Friendship Hall

Join a mid-week Bible study!

  • Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the chapel – Book of Hebrews
  • Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the chapel (and on Zoom) – Book of Romans
  • Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the chapel (and on Zoom) – Book of Ezekiel



Mark your calendars for February 1st! We’re hosting a delightful cookie sale in front of the chapel, starting at 9:00 AM and continuing until every last cookie is gone.

  • Homemade Cookies: Just $1 per bag (two cookies per bag). Perfect for a quick snack or a sweet treat to share!
  • Dog Biscuits: Specially baked for your furry friends, so they can enjoy a treat too!

We need your help to make this event a success. If you’re interested in baking, please bring your delicious cookies and/or dog biscuits to the chapel on Friday, January 31st between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM.

Let’s make this cookie sale a sweet success! 

Join us for Souper Bowl Sunday on February 9! 

Bring non-perishable items or a cash donation for Lake Cares in exchange for a bowl of delicious chili! Chili will be served after each service. Let’s come together for a great cause and enjoy a bowl of some souper tasty food! 

Scout Sunday is February 9 at all three services.  We will honor Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, 4-H participants, and Campfire Boys and Girls.

Dress a Girl in the World meets on Tuesday,
February 11 at 10:00 am in room 103 on the Children’s Wing. 

Join Us for an Exclusive Educational Luncheon! 

Discover the captivating details of our upcoming journey to ITALY at an educational luncheon on Sunday, February 16th at 12:30 PM. Find out all the details to plan your next exciting adventure!

Reserve your spot today by calling our office at 352-383-2005. Hurry, the deadline for reservations is Friday, February 7th!

Our Book Club meets on Tuesday, February 18
at 2:00 pm in
Sanctuary Hall. 
February’ book is
The Seedkeepers
by Diane Wilson. 
New readers are always welcome!

Lake Cares has a mobile distribution site on Friday, February 21 at the King Center, 803 Florida Avenue. Volunteers of all ages are needed from 7:30 to 9:30 am. 

Experience ACTS of Worship
at Our Early Traditional Service

March 9 – April 13

Join us for a special worship experience during Lent! From March 9 to April 13, our 8am service will feature Adventure Contemporary Traditional Spirit-filled (ACTS) worship, inspired by Rev. Dr. Richard Williamson and Mrs. Gail Williamson.


  • Holy Communion: Weekly intinction with grape juice and Biblical wine.
  • Rite of Anointing: Weekly anointing with oil to encourage prayer.

Why ACTS Worship?

ACTS worship follows the Biblical model of regular Holy Communion (Acts 2:42, 1 Corinthians 11:23-24) and anointing with oil (James 5:14-15), moving us from comfort to a deeper spiritual encounter.

Wesleyan-Methodist Tradition:

Reflecting our roots, early Methodists shared in Holy Communion weekly, as emphasized by John Wesley’s sermon, “The Duty of Constant Communion.”

Unique Purpose:

This 8am service offers a distinct and enriching worship experience.

Join us for this transformative journey during Lent!

Our Hometown Nazareth Vacation Bible School: Where Jesus was a kid is June 9-13 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  New for 2025 is Stay & Play after VBS.  For $125, children can stay after VBS from 12:00 to 5:00 pm.  The time will include games, crafts, and movies.  Families should book early as Stay & Play will fill quickly.  To be a part of all the excitement at Hometown Nazareth VBS and Stay & Play, register at 

Dear families,

Warren W. Willis United Methodist camp offers a high-energy, life-changing week at overnight camp. It’s a unique opportunity for your student to grow in their relationships with others, God, and the world. Camp includes worship, Bible studies, crafts, games, and outdoor adventures.

Our children and youth will attend camp from June 23 to June 27. Third and fourth graders attend Elementary camp, fifth to seventh graders attend Middle School camp, and eighth to twelfth graders attend Senior High camp. The camp is in Fruitland Park and includes students from all over Florida. More details are at wwumccc.org/summer-camps.

Register through the camp website at wwumccc.org/programs/summer-camp. A deposit is required at registration. If you need a partial scholarship, please talk with me. The deposit can be paid from student account funds if you notify the office before payment is due.

Thanks to our “S.A.Y. it with love” campaign, every student active in Footprints or Barefoot will receive up to $275 toward camp costs. The camp will send an invoice in May for the balance due, payable through their website. Friends from outside our church can attend for $575.

Students from FUMC will be assigned to cabins with others from our church if they list one of our students as a roommate request. They will join various small groups during the day. Cabins and groups are staffed by college students hired by the camp, with several adult volunteers from our congregation.

Please contact the church office for more info.

Download February Calendar Here
Click Here for February Birthday/Anniversary Calendar
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East Central District Newsletter
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Re-energize with exercise! 

Join our dynamic exercise class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:00 am in Friendship Hall and get ready to energize your mornings!
Enjoy a fun and invigorating workout without any floorwork or charge.
See you there!