TUESDAY TIDINGS for March 4, 2025


YOUR CHURCH’S NEWSLETTER * Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Dear Church Family,  
Tomorrow marks the beginning of Lent, the 40-day season of “returning to God.” This sacred time invites deeper reflection, repentance, and renewal as we prepare our hearts for Easter.  
We will observe Ash Wednesday with several opportunities to receive ashes:  
+ 6:45 AM – 8:30 AM – I will offer ashes at Waterman Hospital.  
+ 10:00 AM – Dr. Richard and Mrs. Gail Williamson will offer ashes in the Sanctuary.  
+ 5:00 PM – We will gather for a Pancake Supper in Friendship Hall.  

+ 6:30 PM – An intergenerational Ash Wednesday service will be held in the Sanctuary as we begin this Lenten journey together.  
I would also like to remind you about our upcoming Churchwide Retreat on Friday, March 22nd, from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM at Warren Willis Camp and Conference Center.  
We look forward to a meaningful day as Kim Quinn, LMHC, leads us in workshops on “Cultivating Connection Through Faith and Understanding.” You’ll also have time to explore the beauty of the camp and share in fellowship.  
Many of you heard Rev. Corey Jones, Senior Director of Warren Willis, preach this past Sunday about discovering God’s glory around us and within us. This retreat will be a great opportunity to experience that message firsthand.  
Exciting news! A generous donor has covered the next 15 registrations, making it possible for anyone to attend at no cost! If you haven’t signed up yet, now is the time. Contact the church office or register online to claim one of these spots.  
A heartfelt thank you to those who registered and donated $25 to attend. Your generosity and participation make events like this possible.  
May this Lenten season be a time of renewal and reflection as we walk together in faith.  
Pastor David

You are invited to join us in the solemn observance of Ash Wednesday tomorrow, Wednesday, March 5 at one, or all of these events:
AdventHealth Waterman  1000 Waterman Way, Tavares, FL 32778
  • 6:45-8:00 AM: Imposition of Ashes by Pastor David Averill at Waterman Hospital in the Chapel
First United Methodist Church Mount Dora:
  • 10:00 AM: Imposition of ashes by Rev. Williamson
  • 5:30 PM: Pancake supper – all are welcome! 
  • 6:30 PM: Service with imposition of ashes by Pastor David Averill
Click the picture above to download the 2025 LENT DEVOTIONAL. 
        Prefer a hard copy?  You can pick one up in the office or the Sancturary.


It’s Pancake Supper tomorrow PLUS
Ash Wednesday Activities!

You can join us TOMORROW from 6:00 to 8:00 pm for an evening of fun with WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY!



Join us tomorrow for a delightful Pancake Dinner! We have an amazing evening planned just for you. You won’t want to miss out on the fun!

Children on Sunday mornings

  • Childcare – Available from 9:15 am to 12:15 pm
  • Kids’ Church – Children begin in worship at 9:30 and then depart for Kids’ Church
  • Bible Fun – Available during the 11:00 traditional service

Join a Sunday Bible study!

  • Bible Explorers – Sundays at 9:30 am in the chapel
  • Carpenter’s class – Sundays at 9:30 am in the CEC classroom
  • Upper Room – Sundays at 9:30 am in the choir room
  • 11:00 Bible study – Sundays at 11:00 am in Friendship Hall

Join a mid-week Bible study!

  • Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the chapel – Please see below
  • Wednesdays at 6:30 pm PLEASE NOTE: BIBLE STUDY WILL BE IN FRIENDSHIP HALL This is a reminder that Bible Study will resume on March 12th, when we will start the “6 Decisions That Will Change Your Life” by Florida Area Bishop Tom Berlin. (and on Zoom) 
  • Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the chapel (and on Zoom) – Book of Daniel begins 2/27/2025



Pastor David’s Lenten sermons and our Bible study will focus on “6 Decisions That Will Change Your Life” by Bishop Tom Berlin. Pick up a workbook in the sanctuary or church office. Start on your own from March 3 or join a Bible study group from March 9 to April 16.  They include:
  • Sundays at 9:30 in the chapel
  • Sundays at 9:30 in the Carpenter’s classroom behind the thrift shoppe
  • Sundays at 11:00 am in Friendship Hall
  • Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in Friendship Hall chapel with Pastor David Averill (new time starting March 12)
The Final Days: A Lenten Journey Through the Gospels by Rev. Matt Rawle is the focus of the Wednesday morning Bible study beginning March 12 from 9:30 to 11:30 am in the chapel.  Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John devote most of their storytelling to Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem, but each version of the Gospels isn’t quite the same. Each story is told through a different lens, sharing an abundant, diverse, and complementary picture of God’s work in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The $15 book and homework guide is available in the church office. 
Your church has provided you with this service to get access to recommended Bible studies, and more for the first 100 households in the church.! There are Bible study videos for ALL ages!

Click on image for login information.

Class Leader: Pastor David Averill

Meeting Time: Sundays, 7 – 8 PM

Meeting Place via Zoom: https://bit.ly/mdfumcmeetings

Description: A famous theologian, Saint Anselm of Canterbury, once defined theology as “faith seeking understanding”. Do U feel perplexed about some of the terms you read in the Bible or hear in sermons? Do U want a more in-depth way to approach faith that appeals to mind as well as spirit? Then, TheologyU is for U! TheologyU is the newest addition to our studies at First United Methodist Church of Mt. Dora. TheologyU focuses on classical teachings of the Christian faith — presenting, explaining, and interpreting them in a way that U can understand, using words, symbols, and hymns. Over 30 weeks, U will examine the writings of ancient and modern Christian commentators and view video presentations by leading Bible scholars and discussions led by Pastor David. No books are required for this study. Participants can come and go as they’d like from the study. Like worship, missing one week does not mean U will be lost the next week. Each week covers a topic independent of other topics. For those who would also like to follow along with readings and daily reflections, the study is based on the “Christian Believer” series by Abingdon Press.

Day of Hope at Residing Hope

THIS SATURDAY, March 8, 2025

We’ll meet in the Grandview parking lot at 8:30 AM and carpool together!  Need more information?  Call the church office.

Formerly known as Day on Campus, our Day of Hope has been expanded to include additional breakout sessions and fun activities for young visitors.

Schedule of Events
9:30 Gates open
10:00 – 10:30 Opening program
10:45 – 11:30 First round of breakout sessions
11:45 – 12:30 Second round of breakout sessions
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch under the big tent
2:00 – 2:45 Closing program

Read more here!

Experience ACTS
of Worship at Our Early Traditional Service

March 9 – April 13

Join us for a special Lent worship experience! Our 8am service will feature ACTS worship, inspired by Rev. Dr. Richard and Mrs. Gail Williamson.


  • Holy Communion: Weekly intinction with grape juice and Biblical wine.
  • Rite of Anointing: Weekly anointing with oil to encourage prayer.

Why ACTS Worship? ACTS worship follows the Biblical model of regular Holy Communion and anointing with oil, moving us to a deeper spiritual encounter.

Wesleyan-Methodist Tradition: Reflecting our roots, early Methodists shared in Holy Communion weekly, as emphasized by John Wesley.

Unique Purpose: This 8am service offers a distinct and enriching worship experience.

Come and be part of this transformative journey!

Want to better understand how you can serve God?  Our SHAPE profile helps you understand your spiritual gifts, your heart, your abilities, your personality, and your experience.  Together, these five factors help you find the place where God wants you to serve.  Join us on Tuesday, March 18 at 7:00 pm in the chapel as we explore our SHAPE profiles.  

Our Book Club meets on Tuesday, March 18 at 2:00 pm in Sanctuary Hall.  March’s book is The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters.  New readers are always welcome!

Lake Cares has a mobile distribution site on Friday, March 21 at the King Center, 803 Florida Avenue. Volunteers of all ages are needed from 7:30 to 9:30 am. 

Time is running out…Sign up today!

🌟 Join Us for an Unforgettable Churchwide Day Retreat! 🌟

Don’t miss out on an incredible day of fellowship, fun, and spiritual renewal at the beautiful Warren Willis Camp and Conference Center in Fruitland Park, Florida! Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 22 and secure your spot today!

Register by March 7th by emailing office@mtodorafumc.org or calling 352-383-2005.

Starting Point meets on Sunday, March 23 from 4:00 to 5:30 pm in the chapel.  If you want to know more about what it means to be a Christian, a United Methodist, or a member of this congregation, contact the church office to reserve your place. 

Dress a Girl in the World meets on a new date – Tuesday, March 25 at 10:00 am in room 103 on the Children’s Wing. 

Highlights from the Music Ministry Social
Mardi Gras” – Sunday, March 2, 2025

Check out the pictures below as we share some wonderful moments from our recent Music Ministry Social, themed “Mardi Gras.” It was an afternoon filled with delicious foot, great fellowship, and fun activities.

Our Hometown Nazareth Vacation Bible School: Where Jesus was a kid is June 9-13 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  New for 2025 is Stay & Play after VBS.  For $125, children can stay after VBS from 12:00 to 5:00 pm.  The time will include games, crafts, and movies.  Families should book early as Stay & Play will fill quickly.  To be a part of all the excitement at Hometown Nazareth VBS and Stay & Play, register at 

Dear Families,

Join us for an unforgettable week at Warren W. Willis United Methodist Camp from June 23-27! Your child will enjoy worship, Bible studies, crafts, games, and outdoor adventures while growing in their faith and friendships.

Camp Details:

  • Elementary (3rd-4th grade)
  • Middle School (5th-7th grade)
  • Senior High (8th-12th grade)

Register at wwumccc.org/summer-camp. A deposit is required. Scholarships are available; please contact us for details. Active Footprints or Barefoot students receive up to $275 towards camp costs. Friends can join for $575.

Students from FUMC will be grouped together in cabins and small groups, supervised by college students and adult volunteers.

Hope to see you there!

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East Central District Newsletter
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MONDAY:         09:30 AM – 02:30 PM
TUUESDAY:     09:30 AM – 02:30 PM
WEDNESDAY:  02:00 PM – 06:30 PM

ADDRESS: in the CHAPEL – 333 E 5TH AVE, MOUNT DORA, FL, 32757-5660

CONTACT: 352-717-4125
or click AARP above to go directly to scheduling!

1.  Improve balance
2. Improve endurance
3. Improve mobility
4. Improve posture
5. Improve our brain
6. Have fun!
Come join our exercise class which meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9:00 am in Friendship Hall. 
No fees, no floorwork—just
FUN, stretches and fitness!