TUESDAY TIDINGS for May 14, 2024


Pastor’s Corner

Dear First United Methodist Church of Mt. Dora,

I want to encourage you to celebrate the birthday of the Church called Pentecost this Sunday, May 19, 2024. What I mean by the birthday of the Church is the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles 50 days after Jesus’s resurrection (which we observe on Easter Sunday).

One contemporary tradition to observe the birthday of the church, is to wear red. Red is the color of commemoration during the church year, and it also represents the fire of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2 tells us that tongues of fire were above the head of each believer who received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

I hope to see you this Sunday wearing “red”.

Pastor David

Celebrate Pentecost in Red! 

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday!
red to honor the Holy Spirit’s fire and the Church’s birth. See you Sunday in red!

Celebrating the Journey of Our Departing Youth Director

We honor and bid farewell to our cherished youth director, Hannah McMahan, who is embarking on a new chapter in life, dedicating herself to full-time seminary studies and, in a few months, marriage.

As we bid farewell, we express our deepest gratitude for Hannah’s exceptional leadership and boundless love and enthusiasm. Though her absence will be deeply felt, we hold onto the belief that the seeds she has sown will flourish, bringing richness to the lives they’ve touched.

To Hannah, we offer our congratulations and best wishes for the future. May God bless you abundantly as you embark on this new adventure in life. Farewell, and may your journey be filled with joy, love, and God’s grace.

A huge ‘Thank You’ to Michelle Chevalier who will be our interim Youth Director starting May 22, 2024.

Our Lake Cares mobile food distribution site on Friday, May 17 is staffed by volunteers from our congregation.  If you can help, please be at the King Center, 803 Florida Avenue in Mount Dora at 7:30 am.  We finish by 9:30 am. 

439 E 5th Ave
Mount Dora FL 32757-5630Livestream:

Wonderful Wednesday celebrates the last week of school on Wednesday, May 22 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.  The back parking lot will be closed for a carnival and the Be The Hamster snow cone maker. 
The widowed support group meets on Thursday, May 23 at 9:30 am in the chapel.  Anyone who has lost a spouse is welcome. 
VBS needs label-free plastic containers with lids from coffee, drink mixes, etc as well as partial rolls of Christmas wrapping paper and ribbon.  A collection basket is at the Fifth Avenue entrance. 
UWF Thrift Shop Fashion Show
Tuesday, May 28 at noon in Fellowship Hall
Several women from UWF will model outfits purchased at our thrift shop.
If you would like to model for this event, please get in touch with the office.
Everyone is invited to this event. Refreshments will be served.
Intergenerational Theater Camp
Monday, July 8, 2024 to Saturday, July 13, 2024
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
439 East 5th Avenue, Mount Dora, FL, USA

Join our Intergenerational Theater Camp from July 8-13. “Christmas in Bethlehem Gulch” show on July 13 at First United Methodist Church, Mount Dora. Rehearsals for ages 4-11 are 6-7 pm (Mon-Fri) and for ages 12+ are 6-9 pm. Register at mtdorafumc.org/calendar. A week of fun for all ages!

Registration Link for Theater Camp

Join us for a fun-filled Vacation Bible School from July 15-18, 9 AM – 12 PM! Open for kids aged 3 to fifth grade. Volunteers of all ages welcome. Sign up and learn more at: 


Don’t forget to donate your label-free plastic containers in our collection basket at the Fifth Avenue entrance. See you there!

Join a Bible study!
-Sundays at 9:30 am in the Chapel – The Book of Proverbs
-Sundays at 9:30 am in the Carpenter’s classroom – Be Committed:  Ruth & Esther
-Sundays at 9:30 am in the Choir room – Book of Matthew
-Sundays at 11:00 am in Friendship Hall – Connecting the sermon to life!
-Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Chapel – Understanding the Holy Spirit
-Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the Chapel – Holy Spirit in Scripture
-Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Chapel – The Letters of John – In person or on Zoom.
-Thursdays at 7:00 pm in the Chapel – The book of Isaiah – In person or on Zoom.
You won’t want to miss tonight’s grand finale on ‘Understanding the Holy Spirit’!
7:00 PM in the Chapel
Children –Sunday mornings
  • Childcare – Available from 9:15 am to 12:15 pm
  • Kids’ Church – Children begin in worship at 9:30 and then depart for Kids’ Church
  • Bible Fun – Available during the 11:00 traditional service

Wonderful Wednesdays meet weekly from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.  Footprints is for students in kindergarten through fifth grade.  Barefoot is for students in sixth through twelfth grade.  Adult Bible study meets at 6:30 pm.  

Exercise class meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
9:00 AM in Friendship Hall.  

Research shows us:
1.  Physical exercise causes us to breathe more often and deeply giving increased oxygen to our brains and hearts.
2.  Physical exercise causes the body to produce endorphins (chemicals) that reduce emotional tension and stress.
3. People who are physically fit in middle age are less likely to develop dementia in later years.
4.  Exercise keeps our bodies strong and functioning.  By taking care of the outside, we show our respect for one of God’s greatest gifts.
Our goal is to improve balance, endurance, mobility, posture, and our brain.
We do this as a group because it is more fun, more of a challenge and commitment, and because I wouldn’t do it by myself alone.

~Sandy Lazarus, Exercise Class Instructor