TUESDAY TIDINGS for November 12, 2024


Dear First United Methodist Church,
This Sunday is our Commitment Sunday, I hope you will join 11 leaders who have already made their commitments to prayers, presence, gifts, witness, and service for 2025.
Chaplain Lance Sellon gave some good reminders in his message last Sunday of how we can do our best in our commitments:

  1. No cape required – God calls the average Joe and Joanne, not Superman.
  2. Convenience is over-rated and a poor litmus test for ministry.
  3. Be present with others; be mobile to serve in the community.
  4. Listen to the needs of others and to the guidance of the Holy Spirit through prayer and Scripture reading.
  5. Don’t worry about having answers to problems.
  6. Be flexible and walk with others in their differences.
  7. Read the Word of God to yourself and to others.
  8. Ask others if they would like to pray.
  9. When all else fails, love others with the Love of the Lord.

As you prepare to make your commitments this Sunday for 2025, consider these tips for doing your best in ministry.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor David

Stewardship Moments
Dear Congregation, online worshippers and visitors,

On behalf of the stewardship committee and Rev. Dr. Averill, we offer our sincere gratitude for your participation in the 2025 stewardship campaign and your commitments of time, talents, and tithes. We pray the devotional has led you to understand the Wesleyan principles of earning, saving, and giving!

If you have not yet submitted your commitment card please pray and ask God what He is calling you to pledge this year. Please complete the Pledge Card you received in your packet or print it from our website. Submit the card by placing it in the Offering Box on Sunday or mail it to our church office. You may also email the card to our office at the address below.
FUMC 439 E 5th Ave, Mt Dora, FL 32757 or contact our office at
office@mtdorafumc.org (352)383-2005
Contributions/commitments can also be made through the VANCO application online https://secure.myvanco.com


  • Childcare – Available from 9:15 am to 12:15 pm
  • Kids’ Church – Children begin in worship at 9:30 and then depart for Kids’ Church
  • Bible Fun – Available during the 11:00 traditional service

Wonderful Wednesdays for kindergarten through fifth grade meet from 6:00 to 8:00 pm each week.   Worship Arts begins at 6:00 pm followed by Bible study, crafts, and games.

Current Bible Studies:
  • Sundays at 9:30 am in the Chapel
  • Sundays at 9:30 am in the CEC Classroom
  • Sundays at 9:30 am in the Choir Room
  • Sundays at 11:00 am in Friendship Hall
  • Tuesdays at 2:00 pm in the chapel Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition
  • Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the Chapel – Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus 
  • Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in the Chapel – Being United Methodist Christians (and on Zoom)
  • Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the Chapel – Book of Ezekiel (and on Zoom)

Zoom Link
Lake Cares this Friday, November 15 at the King Center, 803 Florida Avenue.
Volunteers of all ages are needed from 7:30 to 9:30 am. 
Next MONDAY, November 18th,  is the deadline to turn in your Operation Christmas Child shoebox filled with toys and gifts and labeled with a suggested age and gender.  Please bring them to the church office. 

The book club meets on Tuesday, November 19 at 2:00 pm in Sanctuary Hall.  They are discussing James McBride’s The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store.

The Widowed support group will meet a week early (due to Thanksgiving) on Thursday, November 21 at 9:30 am in the chapel. 
Residing Hope (formerly the Florida United Methodist Children’s Home) helps children in residential care and foster care.  They need $25 and $50 gift cards from any major retailer for the children for Christmas.  This allows children who have very few choices in life to pick the gifts they would like.  Gift cards should be placed in the offering boxes by November 24. 

We are excited to announce that 30 beautiful poinsettias have been ordered to adorn our sanctuary for Advent. If you would like to contribute $8.50 towards a poinsettia, which you can take home after the Christmas Eve service, please pick up an envelope from the usher’s table starting this Sunday, November 17. Simply fill it out, include your payment, and drop it in the offering box or at the church office.


A ‘Thank You’ Celebration Lunch
Sunday, December 1st, 2024 @ 12:30 PM

For Pastor David, Pastor Donna, and You, the Congregation
The Church will provide sandwiches, and ask you to bring salads and sides.
Some gluten-free & vegetarian options will be available.

Please RSVP to the Church Office by Tuesday, November 26th. 

Wreaths Across America is partnering with our congregation to place wreaths on the graves of 400 veterans in Pine Forest cemetery on Saturday, December 14 at 10:00 am.  Wreaths are $17 each or three for $34. If you would like to volunteer or sponsor wreaths, please visit the link below before December 1st.
Would you like to lead the reading and light the Advent candles during December?  We need volunteers for all three services on four Sundays and Christmas eve.  Contact the church office to volunteer.
The Mount Dora Christmas parade is Saturday, December 7 at 10:00 am.  We will gather at 9:00 am to decorate the trailer.  People may ride in the trailer or walk to pass out 2500 candy cane invitations to our Christmas events.  Christmas attire or Living Love shirts please!

*Wonders of Egypt trip is now February 2026. Contact Paul Lane at 407-325-3017 for more information. 

 *Biblical Backgrounds in Italy trip with Pastor David Averil in   November 2025?  Contact the church office for more information. 


This is a good time to find weeds!
If you love being outdoors and would like to help weed the church grounds, please contact the office.
To my fellow weeders, if you are no longer able or not interested, please leave a message with Meria at the office.
Thank you!

Collection baskets are in the Fifth Avenue entrance for:
  • Non-perishable food for Lake Cares
  • Toiletry items for the homeless and for the battered women’s shelter
Our prayer group meets on Wednesdays at 2:00 pm in the chapel.  You are invited to join the group to pray for specific requests, our congregation, and our world.  
Exercise class meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9:00 am in Friendship Hall.  The class does not include any floorwork. 
Download November Calendar Here
Click Here for November Birthday/Anniversary Calendar
Click to Watch Past Worship Services
East Central District October Newsletter 2024
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