Category: From the Pastor
TUESDAY TIDINGS for October 1, 2024
OCTOBER CALENDARS IN THIS EDITION! TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear First United Methodist Church of Mount Dora, I am writing to you after having visited the Alamo in San Antonio, one of Texas’s most prominent buildings. By the way, the reason we’re here, is this is called a staff ride when a group of…
TUESDAY TIDINGS for September 24, 2024
YES! IT’S HERE! THE CHURCH NEWS YOU NEED! TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear First United Methodist Church of Mt. Dora I am writing to you from Brownsville, Texas, a hotel near I-69E, heading west toward the coast. As you anticipate a storm coming your way in Florida, please know I’m praying for all my…
TUESDAY TIDINGS for September 17, 2024
Our biggest issue EVER! Is your picture in this edition? Read and find out! TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear First United Methodist Church of Mount Dora, Last week, I was in Laredo at the PEG Energy Stadium where they were having a public memorial for 9-11 sponsored by the Laredo Fire Department.… Read more…
TUESDAY TIDINGS for September 10, 2024
Your trusted news source for FUMC TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner A message from LTC Ben Ruffner To the good people of First United Methodist Church of Mt. Dora. I am Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Benjamin Ruffner, the commander of the 927th Combat Service Support Battalion (CSSB). Our headquarters element is deployed to lead the Task Force…
TUESDAY TIDINGS for September 3, 2024
NEWS YOU NEED TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear First United Methodist Church, I hope this message finds you well! This is Pastor David, writing you from McAllen, Texas. As some of you may know, I travel quite a bit around the Rio Grande Valley, visiting Soldiers stationed in various cities such as Mission, Pharr,…