Category: From the Pastor
TUESDAY TIDINGS for August 27, 2024
SEPTEMBER CALENDARS IN THIS EDITION! TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear First United Methodist Church of Mt. Dora, Many thanks for your support of my ministry and the missions and ministries of First UMC of Mt. Dora during my deployment. I have been welcomed warmly by Rev. Dr. Jon A.… Read more “TUESDAY TIDINGS…
TUESDAY TIDINGS for August 20, 2024
Stay informed and updated! TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear First United Methodist Church of Mount Dora Family, I send greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from McAllen, Texas. This weekend I visited the Texas Veterans War Memorial. As I stood there, surrounded by monuments that honor those who have served our nation—many…
TUESDAY TIDINGS for August 13, 2024
Stay connected with your vibrant church community! TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear First United Methodist Church of Mount Dora, This past Sunday, I was able to attend worship at the First United Methodist Church of McAllen, Texas. I was greeted warmly by various members of the church The Senior Pastor, Rev.… Read more “TUESDAY…
TUESDAY TIDINGS for August 6, 2024
The information you need today! TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear First United Methodist Church, This is Pastor David Averill writing from McAllen, Texas, near the Convention Center District and a shopping area. McAllen is a city with a population of 142,000, ranking as the 23rd largest city in Texas. It is part of the…
TUESDAY TIDINGS for July 30, 2024
The information you need now! TUESDAY TIDINGS Pastor’s Corner Dear Friends in the Faith and Family of God, I hope this message finds you well. For my first update, I am writing to you from Fort Bliss, Texas where I am in processing for my 90-day deployment to a Southwest Border Mission.… Read more “TUESDAY…