Lent Devotion, Day 30 of 44

Lent Devotion, Day 30 of 44


But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” 

Mark 2:10-11 NIV 



I picked these verses because they show me that the greatest healing that God can bring is not bodily, but spiritual healing. Jesus’s primary mission is to save souls from the forces of sin and death.


God calls us to relieve human suffering as Jesus did through his healing ministry. Nonetheless, we should not forget our primary mission as a church is to save souls, to make followers of Jesus Christ. The greatest sickness we face in the world is sin. It is human sin that brought death into the world. Sin is separation from God. Returning to God gives us life, and life abundantly. While we may be preoccupied with the physical ailments we face, we should remember that from an eternal perspective, it is the fate of our soul in God’s hands that truly determines life or death.


Lord Jesus, use me as an agent for healing in the world. Keep me focused on your primary mission to heal the spiritual sickness of the world. However, because we lack faith, continue to work wonders among us in granting physical healing and relief of human suffering by your grace and through the miracles of modern medicine. Preserve our souls unto everlasting life. In your name we pray.